The cyclecamp blog
Bringing you all the latest news, views and updates from cyclecamp!
Welcome to the cyclecamp blog!
This is the cyclecamp blog! There are posts on everything affecting cycle camping, from what you pay to environmental concerns and why cyclecamp works in the way that it does. We also announce changes to the website or additions to the network.
So it's a really useful source of news and views for anyone who wants to set out on their bike to explore the world.
We don’t have responses set up but you are more than welcome to get in touch with cyclecamp here.
So all we need to say now is enjoy the blog!

The cyclecamp story so far
Blogpost 001
It's over three years now since cyclecamp came into being and gingerly stepped into the public view. And we've now had our very own blog for two years. There's loads happening ...
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Sleeping above the ground
Blogpost 002
My idea of luxury camping is to turn up on any campsite and know that I don’t have to worry too much about the state of the ground. Stony, hard, muddy or even concrete. I would love a tent that could handle it all – just like a caravan or a trailer tent does ...
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Is the weather better at night?
Blogpost 003
It’s not often you find a question that hasn’t been asked before on Google but we dug deeper and, sure enough, we weren’t the only ones who had pondered it: is the weather better at night? ...
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Cyclecamp - it's a network!
Blogpost 004
Many people have asked what cyclecamp is really all about. Our answer is that, above all, it's a network - a network of cycle friendly campsites. It absolutely isn’t just a list of campsites: it's a carefully researched and selected network of campsites ...
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East Sussex - our new happy hunting ground!
Blogpost 005
We've just re-uploaded the cyclecamp network for East Sussex - a county which, as you may know, is dominated by the South Downs, a sublimely beautiful low-lying range of chalk hills ...
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Floods, storms and oil
Blogpost 006
It's a few years now since the storms and overflowing rivers of January 2014 caused mayhem around the country and brought global warming back to the forefront again ...
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We’re going regional!
Blogpost 007
If you’re trying to plan a trip at the moment, you’ll probably have noticed that the cyclecamp campsites have disappeared off our maps! Cyclecamp has gone regional! This means ...
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The 15 mile rule
Blogpost 008
It’s starting to get late, evening is drawing in, you’ve been cycling all day and you’re hungry. It’s really no use to a cyclist that there’s a wonderful campsite fifty miles away. That’s why the cyclecamp campsites are just, on average, about 15 miles apart. A cycle camper can certainly go further to find ...
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For one weekend only!
Blogpost 009
Cycle camping that is! Have you ever thought about setting off for one weekend’s cycle camping? If not, why not? It’s a great idea and they call it over-nighting. The idea is that you pack enough for a weekend ...
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Winter cycle camping – yes, really!
Blogpost 010
Brrr...! But who says you can't go cycle camping in the winter? Yes, you might get a frosty nose when you stick your head out of the tent in the morning and, yes, you might want to take that hot water bottle with you. But just imagine it: frosty ground ...
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Could they do it?
Blogpost 011
Look around at your friends and family, people you know, at work or down the street. And think: could they travel to some exotic far-flung country - let’s say Morocco or Thailand? Well yes. Travel today is familiar and straightforward: ...
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Campsites and WiFi
Blogpost 012
We regularly ask at cyclecamp: “What do cycle campers need?” People often say they need WiFi. This is for a whole host of reasons but not least is the ability to plan their next day’s journey on cyclecamp. Most people look out for WiFi ...
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What should cycle campers pay?
Blogpost 013
The most surprising thing about being a cycle camper is turning up at a campsite and being asked to pay the same price as a family with a car and a large tent, if not a caravan. Most campsites charge for a unit: this really means a car and a tent and ...
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