Donate to cyclecamp to keep us going - just £5.00 and it's very quick and easy to do!
Thank you!

More information about donations to cyclecamp here.

a bike, a tent and the spirit of adventure!

a bike, a tent and the spirit of adventure!

Cyclecamp is the best place to start your cycle camping adventure! It's got everything you need to know to get you cycle camping, a network of campsites and lots more!

UPDATE LATEST: We're making cyclecamp a completely responsive website so that it will work seamlessly on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. This means that for the moment there are some broken links or pages under construction (they're done but being loaded). All the campsite pages should be back up and running by the 1st July. Thank you for your patience!

Use our menu to explore the cyclecamp website! Find everything from what to take, and where to go to tents and campsites. It's all here to get you going on your journey!


Blogpost 024

So this year has got off to a start that no one predicted. And for hundreds of cyclecamp campsites that has meant lockdown! But what of the summer? Here at cyclecamp we believe this year might actually be the year when cycle camping really takes off! Thousands of people have taken to bikes for the first time - leaving the car standing outside the house now seems normal. And after weeks locked down in their homes, many people are yearning for the fresh air and contact with nature that camping gives them. So it’s a perfect combination – cycling and camping!

Read more

Read all about the philosophy and ideas behind cyclecamp.

On the In Depth pages we explain the ideas and philosophy behind cyclecamp - everything from the cyclecamp philosophy to the issue of ethical travel. There are special pages for parents and teachers and a complete page of frequently asked questions about cyclecamp.

Donate to cyclecamp to keep us going - just £5.00 and it's very quick and easy to do!
Thank you!

More information about donations to cyclecamp here.