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Advertise on cyclecamp

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Cyclecamp is a great place to advertise your campsite or indeed any business of interest to cyclists and cycle campers!

The best way to advertise on cyclecamp is with Google Adwords. It’s quick and easy to set up and, the best thing, you usually start with a free voucher (often about £50 worth of advertising) so advertising on cyclecamp may not cost you anything!

You can use Adwords to place an advertisement on cyclecamp and you only pay if someone actually clicks on your advertisement and goes through to your website.

Here’s how to go about it (if you already have an Adwords account just skip to Managed Placements):

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down the page and click on Start now.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up an account (Google says “in four simple steps”).

Once you’ve done this you can of course place your advertisement on other websites too.

Managed placements (to place an advertisement on cyclecamp):

  1. Set up your Adwords account.
  2. Sign in to your Adwords account at
  3. Click the Campaigns tab at the top, and choose the campaign you want to edit.
  4. Go to your Display Network tab and click + Targeting, which is located above the graph.
  5. Select an ad group.
  6. Click the "Add targeting" drop-down menu and select "Placements." Type in cyclecamp’s URL (website address):
  7. Click Close and then Save to add the placement to your ad group.

It’s not as complicated as it looks and you pay nothing unless someone clicks on your ad. And it means your advertising on the web is all set up!

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Advertise on cyclecamp

Cyclecamp admin page 004

Cyclecamp is a great place to advertise your campsite or indeed any business of interest to cyclists and cycle campers!

The best way to advertise on cyclecamp is with Google Adwords. It’s quick and easy to set up and, the best thing, you usually start with a free voucher (often about £50 worth of advertising) so advertising on cyclecamp may not cost you anything!

You can use Adwords to place an advertisement on cyclecamp and you only pay if someone actually clicks on your advertisement and goes through to your website.

Here’s how to go about it (if you already have an Adwords account just skip to Managed Placements):

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down the page and click on Start now.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up an account (Google says “in four simple steps”).

Once you’ve done this you can of course place your advertisement on other websites too.

Managed placements (to place an advertisement on cyclecamp):

  1. Set up your Adwords account.
  2. Sign in to your Adwords account at
  3. Click the Campaigns tab at the top, and choose the campaign you want to edit.
  4. Go to your Display Network tab and click + Targeting, which is located above the graph.
  5. Select an ad group.
  6. Click the "Add targeting" drop-down menu and select "Placements." Type in cyclecamp’s URL (website address):
  7. Click Close and then Save to add the placement to your ad group.

It’s not as complicated as it looks and you pay nothing unless someone clicks on your ad. And it means your advertising on the web is all set up!


the joined up cyclecamping network